Why are two crazy ladies riding across the United States?

Seven years ago while I was huffing and puffing to keep up with Ruth's running pace, she asked me if I would run across the USA with her.

You are crazy!" I gasped. "but I will cycle across the states with you."

We started planning the trip that day. We ordered the transcontinental maps from Adventure Cycling Association. Then Ruth's husband got a job in Evian, France, and we put our plans on hold.

Throughout the last seven years, we continued to discuss our trip. Then this last Fall, Bill and Ruth returned to Cincinnati. We looked at our maps again,checked into various cycling groups that are crossing the states this year, and kept pedaling on the back roads of southwestern Ohio.

As we learned the prices and the dates of the organized trips, we realized those trips would not work for us. We finally decided that a spring trip would work, and we decided on the Southern Tier Route. The maps route us through southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and then to our final designation - St. Augustine, Florida.

Throughout the trip we will stay in motels and bed&breakfasts and travel as lightly as possible. We plan to average eighty miles per day, take three rest days, and reach our destination on May 1st.

Our husbands are traveling with us the first two weeks. They will carry our gear for us and will be playing golf or attending spring training baseball games while we are cycling. Hurray for our very supportive husbands!

We will try to update the blog every day. Some nights we may be so tired that the only words we will be able to type are: "We made it!" We may be in a motel without a computer or cell coverage.

We will miss our family and friends along the trip. As St. Patrick's Day is approaching we think of this Irish Blessing:

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields and

Until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

To All: Please Take Care! Love, Mary Jo and Ruth

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 34, Van Cleave to Dauphin Island, Alabama, 62 miles

The only time my knees have hurt on this trip was last night as I curled in the fetal position trying despertely to stay warm in our tent. Ruth's knees are fine but she claims that she only slept for twenty minutes. We did hear the bull frogs croaking throughout the night. We were not prepared for sleeping in the cool night air because Don and Bill took our clothes for warmth back to Cincy.However we were truly grateful for the shelter and paid our fair share.
We ate a bagel, said good-bye to Bubba (below), his crew, and the other cyclists before breakfast was served.
The early morning ride took us through beautiful cyprus swamps.
After riding fifteen miles we stopped at a Waffle House for eggs, potatoes, and waffles but no grits.
When we left the Waffle House the skies were becoming cloudy and the winds were picking up. We shortly entered Alabama and had our picture taken by another cyclist.
Shortly up the road there was a shortcut of smooth hardpacked oiled dirt. The six mile shortcut was recommended by our maps and this time the shortcut worked. We continued cycling hard but the wind was picking up and naturally it was in our face.
We entered the marsh land of the Mobile Bay area and exhausted we finally reached the causeway and high bridge that would take us to Dauphin Island. Bubba and his staff were at the entrance to the causeway warning their cyclists that the winds were fierce and advising the cyclists not to cross the bridge. He was loading the bikes into a trailor and carrying the cyclists in a van across the bridge.
Even though some of the cyclists did ride across the bridge we took advantage of the offer. We are especially vulnerable with the wind because of our bags.

We were dropped off at the campsite and rode our bikes two miles back to our motel. This is the view of the Mississippi Sound from our terrace.

We arrived with thunder rumbling in the distance. We are now waiting for the storm to stop so we can eat dinner at a nearby restaurant. Tomorrow is a rest day. On Sunday we will take a ferry to the mainland and enter Florida!

"We had a tailwind all day! We've just been going the wrong direction." - Janice of Salt Lake City, a member of Bubba's group


  1. That BUBBA guy is OK! So glad he has was there to help you two on a couple of occasions!! And I'm glad you were wise enough to accept the help. :-)

  2. I was worried when I heard about the thunderstorms in your area and glad you were safely at your hotel. Have a lovely rest day.

  3. You are meeting some great people. And to me, you both appear younger in each day's pictures. You could ride your way back to your 20s

  4. You two are making great progress! Every time I check the blog you are further and further along, great job! Brandy

  5. Enjoy your rest day! You deserve it! Wishing you smooth roads and blue skies ahead!

  6. Ahh, Florida. I think that's the state you've been looking for.

  7. Although I wouldn't want to live in Alabama, the scenery is certainly gorgeous!

    Clarissa and Val send their regards (met them this morning at the Wyoming Bakery taking a break from bike riding and we told them about your journey).

    Woo woo - Florida, here you come!

  8. Well, I'm liking Bubba more and more! He does seem to be your guardian angel! So glad that you beat the thunderstorm- and that you have a rest day. I get tired just reading your blog...

  9. I hope you get some fresh squeezed orange juice when you cross the border into Florida!Congratulations for getting into your last state and being right on schedule. You 2 are awesome.

  10. So, will you be riding your bikes to the nearest Subway on your day of rest??? Have a happy one:) Love ya!

  11. You guys are amazing! Keep going! I'm cheering for you both! -Garrett, Arizona
