Why are two crazy ladies riding across the United States?

Seven years ago while I was huffing and puffing to keep up with Ruth's running pace, she asked me if I would run across the USA with her.

You are crazy!" I gasped. "but I will cycle across the states with you."

We started planning the trip that day. We ordered the transcontinental maps from Adventure Cycling Association. Then Ruth's husband got a job in Evian, France, and we put our plans on hold.

Throughout the last seven years, we continued to discuss our trip. Then this last Fall, Bill and Ruth returned to Cincinnati. We looked at our maps again,checked into various cycling groups that are crossing the states this year, and kept pedaling on the back roads of southwestern Ohio.

As we learned the prices and the dates of the organized trips, we realized those trips would not work for us. We finally decided that a spring trip would work, and we decided on the Southern Tier Route. The maps route us through southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and then to our final designation - St. Augustine, Florida.

Throughout the trip we will stay in motels and bed&breakfasts and travel as lightly as possible. We plan to average eighty miles per day, take three rest days, and reach our destination on May 1st.

Our husbands are traveling with us the first two weeks. They will carry our gear for us and will be playing golf or attending spring training baseball games while we are cycling. Hurray for our very supportive husbands!

We will try to update the blog every day. Some nights we may be so tired that the only words we will be able to type are: "We made it!" We may be in a motel without a computer or cell coverage.

We will miss our family and friends along the trip. As St. Patrick's Day is approaching we think of this Irish Blessing:

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields and

Until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

To All: Please Take Care! Love, Mary Jo and Ruth

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 26, Navosata to Shepherd, Texas 78 miles

Bite by bite we are working our way across Texas!
Today started with great excitement as the Mayor of Navasota and their brass band gave us a big send off. (see yesterdays comments) It was also exciting because we began the fifth map out of seven. On the back of the map there is no elevation chart. Although there were rolling hills. The weather is humid and there were some showers today that came out of the gulf. We even saw a stream named a bayou.
Most of the route today went through The Sam Houston National Forest.
The forest consisted of pine trees with white oaks, sweet gums, and cottonwoods. The forest floor was covered with ferns and we lost sight of our beloved bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes.

We stopped at a small restaurant in New Waverly for lunch. The restaurant was crowded with folks eating barbeque and beef brisket served with corn bread and mash potatoes. We love our hearty lunches.

A mile and half from town Ruth decided that she could not live without the darling pitcher with bluebonnets painted by the waitress. MJ waited by the road as Ruth pedaled back to claim her treasure.
During the afternoon we continued through the forest with spoty showers. Services are very limited in Shepherd but our favorite restaurant is right beside the motel. Our fine dining experience was capped of by ice cream bars eaten al fresco.

"On THAT!?" - A local exclaimed as he looked at our bikes and heard that our final destination was St. Augustine, Florida.


  1. Now I want to know how you plan to carry all of Ruth's purchases in those little bags???? Seems difficult to me. But if I could shop- and eat- and see so many flowers I might be more tempted to bike- Just a little tempted mind you. For now I'm very, very, very comfortable just living vicariously through you!

  2. Maxanna, the bike is waiting for you...well actually I still don't know where it is, but it might be waiting for you...eventually. Sounds like a great day. Every day Craig asks me if you are still in Texas. The fork is moving closer to the boarder.

  3. Gosh!!! You've been biking through Texas for 13 days. Unbelievable. You really know how to make us hungry showing all those food pictures. Love the little pitcher with the bluebonnets. I think it was definitely worth turning around and biking the three mile round trip back to retrieve your treasure.

  4. Wait, did the mayor really comment on your blog? That's so cool. I assume you met him as well.

    Jon used to camp in Sam Houston National Forest. I assume that's where the large statue of Sam Houston that we'd pass on the way to Dallas is. Jon said the park is HUGE so you may have been in a different section. Hope the rain stays away tomorrow.

  5. Texas is so big and with so much variety. But the border will soon be in sight on the waffle! You two are awesome - enjoy the ride with no elevation showing on the map.

  6. You are two wild and crazy chicks. Do you suppose the famous "Jared" from the Subway commercials rode crosscountry eating Subways? He never mentioned that. Your sense of humor shines. Keep pedaling, well, I guess you have to. Rita M
